High product quality requires systematic quality management.
DIN EN ISO 9001 is a globally recognised standard that defines requirements for effective quality management in a company. Our customers can rely on us to make a decisive contribution to the safeguarding and continuous optimisation of our products and services through the certification and implementation of ISO 9001, which has an impact on performance, response times and cost-effectiveness.
For our employees, this means binding and transparent documentation as well as regulation of responsibilities, competencies, structures and workflows. The procedural instructions and the continuous improvement process ensure that quality orientation is practised by each of our employees day after day.
Our ISO 9001:2015 certificate (PDF)

FSC® and PEFC are international forest certification schemes promoting ecologically, socially and economically sustainable forest management around the world. As a responsible manufacturer of sustainable cardboard products, we actively support the preservation of forests and have therefore been offering FSC®- and PEFC-certified materials to our customers since 2010.
All FSC®- and PEFC-certified materials are marked in the item description.

The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) is an international, independent, non-profit organisation based in Germany. Its goal is to promote ecological, social and economic management of forests around the world.
The FSC certificate identifies forestry operations or products made from wood - such as paper and cardboard. The processed wood must come from forests that are managed in compliance with strict guidelines.
The FSC basic principles include, among other things, compliance with national laws as well as international agreements and the preservation or improvement of the social and economic situation of all employees in the forestry industry. Furthermore, the following aspects are taken into account: respect and protection of property and rights of use for cultivated land and forest stands, as well as the long-term preservation of social and ecological services of the forests.
Our FSC® Certificate (PDF)
The PEFC seal guarantees that wood and paper products come from sustainably managed forests. Currently, more than 265 million hectares of forests worldwide are managed according to PEFC standards.
Forest certification according to PEFC standards is subject to very strict guidelines. In addition to sustainable forest management, ecological, economic and social criteria are equally taken into account.
Compliance is verified by competent and independent organisations, so that retailers, processors and consumers can be sure that the entire product manufacturing process - from raw material to ready-to-use end product - is controlled and certified.
EcoVadis is the world's largest independent provider of sustainability assessments and smart, collaborative tools to improve the performance of global supply chains. As part of the assessment, EcoVadis reviews companies' sustainability management in the areas of environment, labour and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement.
We are facing up to the requirements of sustainable corporate management and are proud to be part of this network and to improve social and ethical practices as well as transparency with the scorecards, benchmarks and other tools EcoVadis provides.
Our sustainable commitment has been awarded a silver medal by EcoVadis in 2024.

ISEGA | Food safe | Toy safe
ISEGA is an internationally free independent testing and certification institute for trade and industry, including the sectors "pulp, paper, board and cardboard" in the fields of chemical and physical analysis, microbiology, ecology, sterilisation, production assessment and product certification.
Our product EKA Board has been classified as "FOOD SAFE" by ISEGA and is suitable for contact with dry, non fatty foods. In this context, the material may be used as an intermediate layer or lining in direct contact with food. It is further certified by ISEGA according to European standard DIN EN 71 as safe material for toys and can be used e.g. for puzzles, board games, toy packaging and much more.

Certified for further processing
Our materials are characterised by high quality to create the best possible conditions for further processing.
Many of our products have been tested and recommended as ideal materials by partners such as Canon, Zünd, Esko, Eurolaser and HP.
HP, for example, has certified our KROMA® Displayboard and KROMA® Kraft among others, for printing with HP Latex Inks and has recommended us in HP Media Locator. For this, both materials for the HP Latex R printer series were tested by Color Concepts, an independent testing laboratory for the professional digital wide-format printing industry. The test program checks for proper machine settings and includes various parameters such as optical print quality testing, ink adhesion and scratch resistance. Thus, this procedure ensures that the materials meet the highest standards.